Taiwan Ambassador donates to local SDA Church
February 19, 2010

Taiwan Ambassador donates to local SDA Church

TAIWANESE Ambassador Leo LEE has made a donation of EC$2,000 to the Haiti Disaster Appeal Fund of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.{{more}}

In the meeting which was held on February 12, Pastor Dermoth Baptiste stated how the world-wide and local Seventh-Day Adventist Church worked to help Haitians in need. To date, the local Church has raised EC$75,000 of a target of EC$100,000 and also collects donations in kind, such as food and diapers. Pastor Baptiste further emphasized that the response to their appeal for ‘one-day’s pay’ from the members is tremendous. In addition, the world-wide Church has already donated more than $20,000,000 dollars and offered medical aid to the severely-battered Haitians.

Ambassador LEE pointed out that upon learning the shocking news on January 12, Taiwan joined the world to rush aid to Haiti. More than $5 million in cash and $7 million worth of food, water, rice, medicine and relief materials have been collected and delivered to Haiti by Taiwan’s government and NGOs. President of the ROC (Taiwan), Ma Ying-jeou, personally handed over 10 tons of medicine and food supplies to Haitian Prime Minister Jean Bellerive on his stop-over trip to the Dominican Republic in January.

Additionally, in order to support the Church’s annual Humanitarian Ingathering Appeal-2010 for the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Ambassador LEE made another donation of EC$1,000 and guaranteed that the Embassy would continue to cooperate with Pastor Baptiste in offering assistance to SVG people in need. At the end of the meeting, Pastor Baptiste expressed his appreciation by giving Ambassador Lee a King James Bible and books on the Adventist lifestyle.