Prime Miinister takes off gloves
December 18, 2009

Prime Miinister takes off gloves

“I believe the time is now when we must consolidate our base and make sure that Labour is sounder and more solid than ever, and make sure that we have that base well secured that it becomes impregnable on election day. And when that happens, we will be victorious”{{more}}

Over the cheers and urges to continue, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves fired up his supporters as the Unity Labour Party (ULP) geared up for an election battle.

Shortly after receiving an earful of advice, warnings and grievances from the membership at his party’s National Council meeting on Thursday, December 10, Gonsalves rose to inform the supporters that despite the referendum defeat, the party was as strong as ever.

Acknowledging that the ULP leadership got the message sent by way of the referendum result, Gonsalves indicated that they are listening and would be acting accordingly.

“You will see changes in the new year in the government. You will see certain new directions and emphases, all of them within the overall strategic framework and the developmental thrust and philosophy of this party.”

“As for the people in Government, in statutory bodies, in companies,” Gonsalves told the supporters: “I promise you that you will see some changes that I will not talk about. You will see things and you will not hear me; the silence of my actions will speak loudly.”

The Prime Minister also indicated that though most of the current parliamentary representatives will not be seeking re-election in the next general elections, they have pledged their support to the party and those who would succeed them. He said that these new candidates will be identified in the near future.

He informed the packed Methodist Church Hall that they, too, have a responsibility to ensure that the party returns to power by working together and not paying heed to the propaganda that is being circulated by the opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) which he said was using backward political tactics.

“Too many times we give into the NDP propaganda. Too many times we listen to them and not to ourselves.”

“Our grassroots must not be easily swayed. They must be properly organized and led in order to carry the message, but they must listen to their leaders, otherwise their heads will be turned inside out. They will be mind bended.”

“There are people who have grievances,” he added. “But grievances should not make us not see the larger picture. Do not allow a footpath to stand in the way and block your consciousness. Lift yourself up, see beyond that which is just immediate, even though I accept that we have to deal with the immediate.”

The Prime Minister reminded the gathering that the ULP intends to continue its work regarding the education revolution, poverty reduction and job creation.

He promised that he and the other ministers would be paying more attention to politics as they get in gear for the elections which are constitutionally due as late as March 2011.

He said that the party will be ready and will hand the NDP a defeat the likes they have never seen before.

“When we go to the polls next year or into 2011, we will have the largest victory that this party has ever seen in its history.”

They want a fight, the ULP warriors are spoiling for a fight. Come test us.” (JJ)