Durrant nursing injuries after alleged police beating
November 27, 2009

Durrant nursing injuries after alleged police beating

SINCE last Saturday night, charged Anthony Durrant, his ears have been ringing from the slaps he allegedly received at the hands of police.{{more}}

These slaps, he added, were accompanied by kicks and lashes with a vehicle fan belt from officers at the Georgetown Police Station.

“I feel unsatisfied. I need some kinda satisfaction. I ain’t have no problems with police,” Durrant, also known as Andy, stated as he visited Searchlight’s office earlier this week.

The 37-year-old Brown’s Town resident recounted how he was asked to accompany police to the station earlier in the evening after an individual lodged a complaint against another.

Durrant claimed that he was present when a man gave $20 to a woman to receive $10 back.

According to Durrant, the woman refused to return the man’s change and he made a report to the police.

“The police come and ask me if I see what happen, so I tell them yes,” Durrant recalled.

“The police tell me to come to the station to give a statement, so I say ‘Me haffi go?’ and he say ‘Yes.’”

Durrant admitted that he initially refused to accompany the officer but then changed his mind.

He claimed that when he got to the station, he was pulled aside by one officer while another proceeded to slap him repeatedly.

“When they done they throw me out the station, and when I say to them I aint satisfied two of them start to chase me.”

Durrant said he was spared what he believed would have been a second beating, had it not been for a group of people who were still on the street when he was chased by the officers.

Durrant, who was left nursing a red left eye and an aching back, chest and ears, said that he was unable to eat properly because of the pain in his jaw.

Accompanied by his mother, Marcella Mayers, the Georgetown man made a report to the Public Relations Department of the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force.

This was confirmed by the department when contacted by Searchlight.

“I want justice. I want satisfaction. I didn’t curse them. I didn’t do nothing wrong. I don’t know why they do me this,” Durrant stated. (JJ)