November 20, 2009

Urban League Community group says Yes

A Civil Society Organization Based in West Kingstown is the latest organization to endorse the proposed Constitution Bill 2009.{{more}}

The Urban League Community Based Organization of Edinboro and Ottley Hall, with offices in Edinboro, has come out in support of the new constitution and has seen it fit to urge its members to VOTE YES on referendum day, November 25, 2009.

The Urban League is pleased with the innovative provisions in the Guiding principles and the attention paid to the concerns and aspiration of the Young people; the Expansion of the fundamental rights; the capital punishment provision and the opportunities for the18 year old to become a member, parliamentary representative or a senator, and the prospect of a home grown- President.

The Urban League is a very active CBO Organization that undertakes a number of programs that are people – centered and caters to young people in the community and throughout St. Vincent and the Grenadines in Dance, Drama, Adult Education, Music, Community Projects Voluntarism etc.

The Urban League was formed in 2005 and was officially launched in 2007. The Urban League has several active organs that are the lifeline of this organisation. They are a Non-Political, Non-Profitable Organization.