‘Yes’ and ‘No’ pastries selling like hot cakes
November 13, 2009

‘Yes’ and ‘No’ pastries selling like hot cakes

With the referendum campaign in full swing, one business house is capitalising on the public debate.

It is now two week since Sindy’s Catering Service has been selling ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ cakes – and it has become an instant hit, selling like hot cakes!{{more}}

“We do cakes, but then the idea came out to do some ‘yes’ and ‘no’ cakes,” Sindy Samuel-Vanloo, part owner of the food outlet and catering service, told SEARCHLIGHT.

“With the political thing in the air we decided to make some cakes, put the party colours on them and see what the public thinks,” said Marlon Alexander, the person credited with the idea.

So they set out colouring the “yes” cakes in the traditional yellow with bits of green and the “no” cakes in red, and as of last Monday, November 2, the items went on sale.

Alexander further explained that it took a little time for persons to latch on to the idea, but by the second day sales had started to pick up.

By Thursday of the inaugural week, they had already gone through a number of the sliced and cup cakes.

Never mind the businesses’ location at the Grenadines Terminal, according to Alexander the “yes” cakes were holding their own.

In case political pundits are wondering, when SEARCHLIGHT made an updated visit to the business on Tuesday, November 10, the “no” slices were in the lead – 47 to the 39 “no” slices, and in the cup cake race the nays had registered 68 sales to the yeas’ 50.

And what do members of the general public think?

“It’s a great idea,” one young lady said.

She did purchase two ‘No’ cupcakes however, noting that she was supporting the venture all in fun.

“Persons think its funny,” Alexander further explained. “I haven’t seen anyone get angry.”