Nurses graduate
August 7, 2009

Nurses graduate

Tears, smiles and hugs were in abundance at the Faith Temple Church at New Montrose, as 68 Registered Nurses, 17 midwives and six Community Health Aides from Batch 32 of the Division of Nursing of the Community College graduated last Thursday.{{more}}

Graduating under the theme “Moving beyond limits towards a healthier nation”, the graduates received their certificates and individual awards in the presence of Governor General Sir Frederick Ballantyne, Minister of Health Dr Douglas Slater, Chief Nursing Officer Sister Audrey Gilkes along with family members and well wishers.

Addressing the graduates, Slater pledged his ministry’s support for the nursing division, which is now part of the Community College. He told the graduates to strive for excellence as they move towards achieving their graduation theme.

Pastor Brent St. Jean, who delivered the feature address, implored the nurses to go the extra mile in their work and to love the people who are placed in their care.

He also urged the nurses to keep up to date with their jobs and to complement their profession with a positive attitude.

According to Dean of the Faculty Susanna Providence, the 68 of the 76 Registered Nurses who successfully completed the program, were the students who gained 85 per cent or higher for nine out of ten theoretical courses.

She added that her staff was highly pleased with this year’s performances, as they spared no effort to among other things, improve the students’ success rates.

Among the prizes awarded were first place in various categories including Midwifery, which went to Suzette Jackson; first in the Community Health Aide programme taken by Alison Bentick and Anna Alexander in Biological Sciences and Nutrition/Diet therapy.

Rohan Williams was adjudged the most outstanding Registered Nursing Student, receiving the Yvonne Francis Gibson Shield.(JJ)