Caesar to head ALBA  Agriculture Initiative
July 31, 2009

Caesar to head ALBA Agriculture Initiative

Rising young politician Senator Saboto Caesar has received another nod of approval from Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, who has charged him with the responsibility for implementing the ALBA Agriculture Initiative of the Americas in “an immediate and urgent manner”, paying special attention to residents of North Windward and North Leeward.{{more}}

“I want to declare here, Saboto Caesar is my son in whom I am most pleased. We have to prepare for the next generation,” said Gonsalves, explaining that even though Montgomery Daniel, the Minister of Agriculture is doing a great job, efforts must be made to groom younger persons in positions of leadership.

Last Wednesday evening, Gonsalves reiterated to the large gathering of Rastafarians, farmers, civil servants, and other members of the public who turned out at the Methodist Church Hall for the launch of the ALBA Agriculture Initiative of the Americas, that Caesar, the Junior Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, had been chosen to head the initiative, which will also cater for persons disposed of the illegal marijuana trade.

Prime Minister Gonsalves said the launch of the EC $5.8 million project signifies the start of a new stimulus in agriculture, thanks to the government of Venezuela, which sponsors the project. The prime minister disclosed that the first tranche of EC$2,911,963 will be used to get the project going.

In the upcoming months, while EC$1.4 million will be used to purchase fertilizer, EC$1.5 million will be used to fund the Alternative Sustainable Livelihood initiative.

The prime minister announced that by the end of August, 13,000 sacks of fertilizer will arrive in St.Vincent and the Grenadines. He said EC$1.4 million from the first tranche of money for the Alternative Sustainable Livelihood initiative will be used to purchase the fertilizer which will be sold to farmers at half price.

Minister Daniel said currently, subsidized fertilizer is sold to farmers at EC$104 per sack. However, farmers will pay EC$55 per sack under the new programme.

He said each farmer must make an application to the Ministry of Agriculture, specifying the areas in which they are seeking assistance.

In his address, Daniel mentioned several initiatives taken by his ministry to counteract the challenges faced since the Unity Labour Party formed government in 2001. These included the over $2 million which was paid to 313 farmers to help them deal with the losses that the Moko disease caused.

When he spoke, Senator Caesar said although he was feeling a bit unwell, he couldn’t miss the launch of such an important project. He said the Agricultural sector must become a matter of first importance to Vincentians.

Caesar said the government’s quest to create new avenues for wealth creation must not be seen solely as an issue for the Ministry of Agriculture. He said the Alternative Sustainable Livelihood Project will cut across sectors to involve construction and manufacturing.

“The Alternative Sustainable Livelihood Project will definitely create a series of options within the Agricultural Sector as the Government continues to build wealth sustainably,” said Caesar.

The ultimate objective of the project, said Caesar, is the creation of incentive driven alternatives within the Agricultural Sector for persons wishing to be gainfully employed.

“Let the hard work continue,” Caesar encouraged.(HN)