July 24, 2009

PMC marks its first anniversary

Friday, July 31, 2009, marks one year since the People’s Movement for Change (PMC) was launched in Kingstown.{{more}} Reflecting on the PMC’s 1st anniversary, PMC’s chairman Oscar Allen said: “Ours is a people’s business organization and its first year of existence was characterized by many challenges, endless sacrifice and a good share of successes.”

To mark its historic anniversary, the movement held a discussion on the proposed new constitution entitled “Proposed and other options for Constitutional Reform, on Tuesday, July 21. The discussants were Queen’s Counsel Bertram Commissiong and the PMC’s General Secretary attorney Jomo Thomas.

This event was followed on Wednesday, July 22, with appearances by PMC’s Chairman Oscar Allen, Vonnie Roudette and Philbert John on the VOICES radio programme on WE FM. They discussed the relevance of alternative forms of organization.

Then this evening, Oscar Allen, Director of Public Prosecutions Colin Williams, junior minister in the Ministry of Agriculture Saboto Caesar and opposition senator St Clair Leacock will speak on the “The evolving Democratic State and the place of Policing”. The event will begin at 7:00 PM at Frenches House in Kingstown.

The commemorative activities conclude on Emanicipation day, Saturday, August 1, with a walk for Physical and Mental Wellness. Participants will gather at the Calliaqua playing field from 6:00 AM and will explore the surrounding hills and valleys.