Calliaqua students receive monetary gifts
July 10, 2009

Calliaqua students receive monetary gifts


On Thursday, July 2nd, 2009, six Grade 6 students of Calliaqua Anglican School were the happy recipients of grants totalling $3,000.{{more}}

These grants are given annually by Ruth Stevens, owner and operator of Hotel Alexandrina, Prospect. Stevens is also a past student of the school and is a ready benefactor of the students of the school, especially those who excel in the Common Entrance Examination. This year, the Kindergarten class received a special monetary gift.

The school’s principal Yvette Bowen expressed her sincere thanks to Stevens and her husband for their continued support and encouraged students and their parents to use the money wisely, study even harder and continue to make the school proud.

A plaque was presented to Stevens on behalf of the staff, students and parents by Bowens. Student Rhea Cain gave the vote of thanks.