July 3, 2009

Sunshine Training Centre holds graduation

Fourteen students are now the proud recipients of certification in the Bartending and Culinary Arts programme run by the Sunshine Training Centre.{{more}}

At a ceremony held on Tuesday, June 30th, at the Marion House, several of those students were presented with certificates by Frances Palmer, Director of Adult Education.

Course Leader Anthony Anderson congratulated the students on their achievement and encouraged them to always strive for excellence in whatever field they choose to pursue. He reminded them that within the service sector, training is what distinguishes excellence from mediocrity.

Anderson lamented the poor quality that exists within the service sector in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and emphasised that it is up to Vincentians to improve upon this and bring themselves up to international standard.

He reminded the audience that it doesn’t matter what profession one holds in life, but rather the standard to which they perform their duties. “I hope you will take your training seriously and be ambassadors for Sunshine Training Centre.”

The programme, which was funded by the OAS, provided participants with three months theoretical and practical training on the bartending and culinary arts components of the service sector.

Melene Glynn, Resident OAS Ambassador, also drove home the importance of excellence. Glynn pressed upon the graduates to not just celebrate the acquisition of a certificate but to also “celebrate the actualisation of your decision… to pursue excellence.”

Glynn also reminded the graduates that excellence requires “complete and undivided attention,” and that they should aim to be remembered for the excellent service that they provided their employers and customers.

Several of the graduates displayed their bartending skills by giving live demonstrations of how popular cocktails are made. Many of them also attested to the benefits they had derived from embarking upon the course.(JSV)