PM dares Opposition Leader to miss more sittings
May 2, 2008

PM dares Opposition Leader to miss more sittings

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves has dared the Opposition to miss three more sittings of Parliament. This is after they again boycotted Parliament last Tuesday, April 29th, in protest of Dr Gonsalves’ decision not to step aside while he faces sexual assault and rape accusations.{{more}}

Dr Gonsalves highlighted the parliamentary rules which indicate that if a member of Parliament misses three consecutive sittings he will be written to by the Clerk of the House.

If a further three sittings are missed, then the member’s seat is declared vacant.

“As I indicated then (in a previous letter), because of the seriousness of the charges, the Prime Minister should step down from his position practically given the fact that he also holds the portfolios of Minister of National Security and also that of Legal Affairs, until the Court resolves these matters,” the Opposition Leader said in his letter to the Speaker of the House on Tuesday.

“I maintain that our country and people are hurting because of these allegations,” Eustace also said.

But Dr Gonsalves remains unmovable.

He suggested that if the Opposition’s decision is principled then they would continue their boycott. He said that the protest is about him, and seeing that he will not accede to their demands, then they have no choice but to continue the protest.

“I am not going anywhere…I was not put there (in office) by allegations and I will be removed by flesh and blood persons in elections,” Dr Gonsalves said.

“It gives me great joy…if they stick to their unmovable principle,” Dr Gonsalves said, adding “then we will see if they are cowards. I expect that he (Eustace) will stick to his principle.”

“There are some people who speak the words of peace and gentleness and kindness, but whose hearts are filled with mischief, and whose deeds are a manifestation of wickedness,” Dr Gonsalves said.

The next sitting of the House of Assembly is set for Thursday, May 29th.