May 2, 2008

Junior soca finalists chosen

Afiya Gurley, and Zamfir Adams, both students of the Bethel High School will try to do the double on Tuesday July 1st, when they attempt to win the Secondary School division of the junior calypso competition, and the junior soca monarch.{{more}}

Gurley will compete against six other competitors with her song ‘Carnival Long Ago’, for the title held by Zamfir Adams.

The other competitors in the secondary school division are Jolene Bentick of the North Union Secondary School, Georgina Lewis of the St. Joseph’s Convent Marriaqua, Phylicia Alexander of the Dr. JP Eustace Memorial School and Kelvorn Isaacs and Ranique Fraser also of the Bethel High School.

In the soca competition, Adams will defend her title against Gurley, as well as Marlon Herbert of the Westwood Methodist School, Travis Lynch and Kemron Haynes of the Dr. JP Eustace Memorial School, Lee Bullock of the St. Vincent Grammar School, and Philip Dember of the Union Island Secondary School.

In the primary school division, Gaffeisha Smart, Roxelle Michael, Larreon Mapp and Reneisha Harry all of the Calder Government School, along with Annique Telemaque of the St. Mary’s RC, Terrance Cornwall of the Park Hill Primary and Tami Williams of the Kingstown Primary will come up against defending champion Sylvorn Nanton of the Fancy Government.