May 2, 2008

Eustace promises a kinder gentler society

Arnhim Eustace described this country as one of increasing poverty, misery, fear, and shame, as he presented his New Democratic Party (NDP) as a ready alternative to the current administration.{{more}}

Eustace was in fine form as he delivered his address last Sunday, April 27th, as he marched up and down the aisle of Democrat House making his case for a “kind and gentler society.”

Eustace told his excited supporters that the kinder and gentler society to which he aspires will see a firmer hand by government in dealing with corruption, a greater focus on crime prevention and fighting against the scourge of drugs.

Eustace also spoke of the importance of the State in the development of the private sector, which he said will pave the way for the creation of more jobs in the nation.

“In our kinder and gentler society, Government and its institutions will not compete with the private sector in productive activities such as the growing of foods and of vegetables. Let the farmers do that and let Government assist as much as it can.”

Eustace again, as he has done umpteen times before, called on Dr Ralph Gonsalves to step aside while the sexual misconduct matters which he faces are dealt with in the courts.

“At no time in our history has our nation been in such deplorable condition. We are now the laughing stock of the people in the Caribbean and beyond. Never before have we had a head of Government accused of rape and indecent assault…never in our history have we had such shame and disgrace heaped upon the people of our nation,” Eustace declared.

He said that the way that the matters of the allegations are being handled has had two major consequences.

“One of these consequences is an increasing loss of confidence by the people of our country in the justice system of our country”.

The need for a change and clean up in the justice system, Eustace reiterated, is the reason why he has withdrawn his support for the Caribbean Court of Justice.

“If we lose confidence in the court system, then our country will descend into anarchy where no rules apply… We have no country if that happens,’ he added.

Eustace painted a picture of lawlessness, violence, murder, increased poverty, and a justice system crippled by the loss of free speech, to the cheers of his supporters, as he declared that the NDP will win the next general elections.

To this end, he also extended the olive branch to detractors within the NDP fold, saying that public lambasting of the party is not the way to go.

“Let us move forward as a strong united force, ready to take the reins of Government once again,” Eustace said.