DNA results: You are the father!
January 25, 2008

DNA results: You are the father!

Tessil DeGrads has proof that her three-year-old daughter is her husband’s child, and she wants the world to know.

The Redemption Sharpes resident visited Searchlight on Wednesday and presented a copy of the results of the DNA test that was done in December 2007 by DNA Solutions in California, USA.{{more}}

DeGrads said that since she left her husband Cameron Degrads, he has not been regularly paying the court-ordered $400 in child support for their two children, and has been saying that the second child, a girl, is not his.

“Sometimes he would only pay $200,” she said, explaining that she took that to mean that he was only paying for the older child, a boy. “He said that the girl is not his,” the security guard said.

The test results, dated January 14, 2008, state that there is a 99.99% probability that the relationship between Cameron Degrads and Tianna Degrads is that of father and child.

“I want to clear my name. My name was being scandalized. Everyone was pointing their fingers at me. Now they are all quiet.”