October 26, 2007

Forestry officers to picket Ministry of Agriculture

If all goes according to plan, forestry officers should be picketing the Ministry of Agriculture offices this morning, Friday, October 26.{{more}}

When President of the Pubic Service Union (PSU) Aubrey Burgin spoke to Searchlight on Wednesday evening, he said that the forestry officers are fed up, having waited three years for a settlement in their uniform issue.

In a letter dated October 16, 2007, the PSU wrote the Permanent Secretary (ag) in the Ministry of Agriculture, and threatened industrial action unless there was a positive response to the letter.

Burgin said that the Union had not been contacted by the Ministry of Agriculture, and will, therefore, be taking action, following a meeting with the forestry officers which was scheduled for yesterday, Thursday, October 25.

Burgin insists that the 27 forestry officers want a quick settlement to the issue; meaning an agreement that the Ministry will supply uniforms, or a clothing allowance. (KJ)