Public Servants clash in ‘Mock Parliament’
October 12, 2007

Public Servants clash in ‘Mock Parliament’

“Mr. Speaker, I rise to ask question number three standing in my name to the Honorable Minister of Tourism Youth and Sport. Since the last hurricane season, one or more tourist attraction sites was or were damaged and has or have been closed. What are the plans in place, if any, for the re- opening and fast development for this or these sites?”{{more}}

This was only one example of some of the questions that were posed at a Mock Parliament that was held by members of the Public Service as part of the celebration of Public Service Week.

At the start of the sitting, “Seargeant of Arms” Luenda Browne, led the group into the “House” (Peace Memorial Hall) with her Mace. This was followed by a prayer by the “Speaker of the House” Omari Williams. Following this, members of both “the Government” and “the Minority” sent out their condolences and congratulatory remarks to various persons before getting to the meat of the day’s activity.

The audience certainly did not seem disappointed by the portrayal of both groups, if their reaction was anything to go by. They cheered on the speakers when an important statement was made, or a crucial question was asked pertaining to matters of the Public Sector.

Nakeisha London played the Prime Minister and gave the audience things to cheer about, as she and her colleagues on the Government side used every chance they got to quote from the Bible before reading out some to the bills to be passed in the house.

“Minority Leader” Marlon Gibson used the opportunity to lash out at the other side of the house for passing bills which he termed as “not worth signing”.

During the mock Parliament, the members of the “house” concentrated mainly on matters pertaining to the public sector.

Public Service week was held under the theme: “Bridging the Gap to

reduce negativity, serving with pride”. It began with a boat ride to Bequia

last Saturday, October 6, and will conclude tomorrow with a Public Service Ambassador show at the Aquatic Club.

During the week, a series of events took place, including a Ministerial Sports Day, Staff Gift Exchange, Customers Appreciation Day, a Church Service and a procession around Kingstown which concluded at the Financial Complex.