October 5, 2007

PM: Vincentians not conserving energy

Domestic electricity consumption is up, despite thousands of Vincentian homes transitioning to energy saving bulbs.{{more}}

At a press conference earlier this week, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves revealed that compared to the same period last year, electricity consumption is up seven percent.

“Although we installed energy saving bulbs, this year there has been an increase in domestic consumption in electricity by seven percent over the comparable period last year,” Dr Gonsalves said.

He also noted that this increase is not due to an increased customer base, as the increased customer base accounts for only 2.5 percent of the increased energy consumption.

“It means that our people are not conserving energy as they should,” Dr Gonsalves said.

He also stressed that as regards VAT, which the Opposition says should not be charged on electricity at all, that only the top 25 percent of VINLEC’s customers pay VAT on their electricity.

Addressing the subject of the fuel surcharge, Dr Gonsalves suggested that the system used, where the consumer pays the bulk of the fuel surcharge, is the right way.

“Who should pay the fuel surcharge? It has to be the consumer,” Dr Gonsalves said.

He said that the system as it is ensures that as fuel prices go down, so too does the charge to the consumer.