JEMS group cleans up Argyle beach
October 5, 2007

JEMS group cleans up Argyle beach

Last Saturday, the Argyle beach was given a much needed face-lift, as the JEMS Progressive Organization continued their Coastal Clean-up Campaign.{{more}}

Members of that organization were joined by students from the St. Clair Dacon Secondary School’s Environmental Club and The Stubbs Heritage Educational Foundation (SHEF).

Despite the unfavorable weather conditions, many community members also came out to lend their support.

A total of 1 1/2 skips of garbage was collected. Items included tires, vehicle parts, household items, with plastic being the predominant waste item.

Members of JEMS are appealing to persons using the Argyle beach for recreational and other purposes to kindly dispose of their trash properly.

Digicel, The Solid Waste Management Unit and SMJ Beverages assisted in making the event a success.

The clean-up activity was a follow up to International Coastal Clean-up Day held on September 15th. The JEMS Progressive Community Organization was one of the organizations that coordinated the National Clean up Campaign for St. Vincent and the Grenadines on that day, and also journeyed to Stubbs beach where thy carried out a similar clean-up exercise.