September 28, 2007

Sir Louis Straker attends Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting


Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of National Security, the Hon. Louis Straker, attended the Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran.{{more}}

The meeting, held from September 3rd and 4th, 2007, was attended by over one hundred Member Countries as well as Observer Countries and Organizations.

Sir Louis, who addressed the meeting, said that the focus over the two days was on human rights and Cultural Diversity. He said the meeting also denounced those who condemn human rights in developing countries, while they abuse the human rights of others. He also pointed out that speakers at the conference called for respect for all cultures, and denounced any feeling of cultural superiority of any nation.

Minister Straker disclosed that speakers at the meeting felt that there was a need to promote tolerance, solidarity, mutual understanding and respect for cultural diversity. He said that it was also noted that the religious and cultural diversity is a fact of life, and in general human rights is a common value within human societies.

The meeting approved a special declaration regarding the supporting role of Venezuela in Columbia for the achievement of the humanitarian agreement, and a special declaration in support of the establishment of a Non-Aligned Movement Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity in Tehran.

Meanwhile, Sir Louis also visited Ethiopia on September 10th, where he was invited to participate in the country’s New Year, New Century and New Millennium celebrations. Sir Louis said he was warmly received by the Rastafarian community, and that he received extensive media coverage throughout his stay in Ethiopia.

Sir Louis also held discussions with the Ethiopian President His Excellency Girma Woldegiorgis and Foreign Affairs Minister Ato Seyoum Mesfin. He said he was pleased to know that St. Vincent and the Grenadines was held in such high esteem in Ethiopia. St. Vincent and the Grenadines established diplomatic relations with Ethiopia in 2004. (API)