New non-profit group launched
September 28, 2007

New non-profit group launched

Persons in the Marriaqua constituency who are interested in expanding both their academic and vocational skills will get the opportunity to do so with a new non-profit organization that was launched on Tuesday.{{more}}

Managing Director of the group, Nigel Morgan, said that Interior Zone Literacy Organisation (INZLO)’s main intention is to allow residents in all the villages of Marriaqua, Greggs, Lauders and Lowmans Windward to develop skills that will enable them to function more effectively in society.

According to Morgan, the time for INZLO has arrived because there is a great need for an organization like this one in zone three, since the interest and motivation for adults in the area is very high, and support at both local and international levels is also high.

Their objectives are: to collaborate with other local, regional and international organizations institutions, once it is consistent with the purpose, mission and objective of the group; to provide scope and avenues for persons to realize and maximize their skills and potential, and to provide training opportunities for staff and facilitators locally and abroad; and to work with individuals, the public and provide sector to enhance lives.

“INZLO is prepared and ready to step out the womb by faith, as a unified and orgranised body to serve its country at the community level and the nation at large,” Morgan stated.

The group, according to him, will help adults 15 years and over who are out of the formal school system to realize their dreams and to be liberated from poverty and illiteracy, and also to help them achieve prosperity and productivity.

Based on statistics that have been posted, 1055 persons from the Marriaqua constituency have benefited from the literacy programme, and as a result of that, persons have been asking for a similar programme to be established so that they can continue their education.

The classes are scheduled to begin in the New Year, and will cover both academic and skills training. They are also looking forward to introducing male-friendly job skills such as carpentry, masonry, refrigeration and vehicle welding, drumming, steel pans, along with other areas of training such as tie-dieing and cake decorating.

The organization is currently in the process of seeking funds from various organisations to assist them with accomplishing some of these tasks. A total of 200 persons have already signed up to take part in the programme.