Agricultural diversification has huge economic potential, say experts
September 7, 2007

Agricultural diversification has huge economic potential, say experts

Facilitators at last Wednesday’s one-day agricultural diversification workshop believe that there are huge financial benefits to be gained, if certain problems in the industry are identified and the gaps filled.{{more}}

The consultation, the second of its kind, looked at problems that may be hampering the business of agricultural diversification, and ways that these issues can be addressed.

At the end of the workshop, which was attended by members of the public and private sectors, including farmers, processors and institutions that assist in agribusiness, a committee was set up to bring issues and ideas to the relevant authorities that can make a difference in the industry.

The workshop was held at Grenadine House, hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and facilitated by the Landell Mills Development Consultants, headed by group leader Gilbert Addy.

Addy, along with the Landell Mills Agribusiness Team Leader Basil Springer, said that there is huge economic potential for persons involved in the industry, but, among other things, it has to be taken seriously.

Springer, in his presentation, highlighted some key elements to sustainable success, and put forward ideas where participants can raise the level of productivity.

The Barbadian born consultant urged the persons present to work together, not only in their field but also in other areas, in an effort to come up with ways to capitalize in their markets.

Addy spoke to the group on possible options for agribusiness development, techno-economic and institutional factors and global economic trends, among other issues, that could help the industry.

Also addressing the participants was Chief Agricultural Officer (ag) Reuben Robinson, who reaffirmed his Ministry’s commitment to agricultural diversification.

The workshops are being funded by the European Union.
