Mother: My son was a good boy
August 17, 2007

Mother: My son was a good boy

The jury is out on the reputation of the three young men who were murdered last Thursday at Lowmans Leeward, but the sentence of pain has been handed down to their families.{{more}}

As she rolled on the floor and threw her hands in the air in a desperate cry for answers, Cordelia Bowens could hardly speak as she tried to come to terms with the death of her only son, Ralson Omoro Bowens, 21.

“He wasn’t a bad boy, he was just following company,” said Cordelia, (below left) but later admitted to SEARCHLIGHT that she couldn’t be sure about what he does when he leaves home.

Meanwhile Bowens’ girlfriend of nearly two years, La Fleur Samuel said that he was lying down and then told her that he was going to the shop.

“Next thing I heard is he is dead,” La Fleur said.

“I don’t know who would want to kill him but I heard that someone threatened to kill him,” she said.

Meanwhile the mother and aunts (in photo right below) of Javon “John Wayne” Antoine, 20, say that while they are shocked to hear that he died in such a gruesome way, they had feared for his wellbeing.

“All our relatives used to speak to him to try to get him to settle down,” said his aunt Silvanie Cyrus, who helped to raise him.

“I sent him to learn a trade, he was so resourceful, we were very close,” a broken hearted Cyrus said.

Luween Antoine, Javon’s mother, said that since carnival, her son left their Layou home and she has not seen him since.

“I spoke to him on the phone and he said that he was alright, he said that he was living in Diamond,” she said.

Both women told SEARCHLIGHT that they did not know of Javon being involved in anything that could cause someone to want to kill him, but they couldn’t swear for him.

“When they leave your home and are with their friends, you never know what they could be involved in,” Cyrus said.

But the mother of Reuben Small, who at age 22, is the eldest of the victims, said that someone told her that her son would be killed.

“I got the message, somebody called out to me and said that my son is a dead man,” Claudette Gordon told SEARCHLIGHT.

Gordon said that her son was a good boy and never interfered with anybody.

“I don’t know why they would want to kill my son,” Claudette said.