‘Labour conditions in the region great’
July 27, 2007

‘Labour conditions in the region great’

Solicitor to a three-day workshop for labour inspectors held last week in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Samuel Goolsarran, said that this region has a very good record in terms of ratification of the standards set out by the International Labour Organization.{{more}}

Goolsarran (below), speaking to Searchlight on Tuesday, July 17, said that although there are areas where there is still need for improvement, the region has an excellent track record when it comes to labour relations.

He credited St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Barbados for being among countries with regard to the tripartite structure, where government, employers and workers through their unions, work together for better living and working conditions, and said he hoped that other countries will follow that trend.

The former ILO Senior Specialist on industrial relations said that there is some work needed in terms of bringing certain legislation in line with international standards, and although the legislations are not yet ratified, the principles are in place.

The Guyanese-born labour management consultant, who started out as a labour inspector himself, noted that labour inspectors are relevant to both employers and employees; they try to ensure that the welfare of workers is taken into account, and advise employers with regard to international standards. (JJ)