It’s Graduation time for Glad Tidings Pre-school
July 20, 2007

It’s Graduation time for Glad Tidings Pre-school

Glad Tidings Pre-School held a graduation on Friday, July 12, 2007 at the Gospel Hall Church in Kingstown.{{more}}

Held under the theme: “Train up a child in the way he should go”, graduates recited poems and sang songs, which were well received by the packed hall.

A report on the school was given by Principal Romona Providence, and later a sterling address by Rhonda Dickson caused many in the audience to reflect on their duties as teachers, parents and guardians.

The ceremony ended with the song “We Are Out To Build A New St. Vincent”, and with the school’s motto: “We Love, Care and Train” as a start, Glad Tidings is well on its way.