June 22, 2007

Rats invade CW Prescod Primary School

The students and teachers of the CW Prescod Primary School had to spend an extra week at home to prepare for their examinations due to the invasion of rodents at the school.

A source close to the school told SEARCHLIGHT that on Monday authorities had declared the school unfit for the students because of the incursion of rats on the school’s compound.{{more}}

According to the source, they have been faced with the problem on the lower floor of the building since the last school term.

The infestation spread to more and more classrooms and eventually had cases where both teachers and students were complaining of having Tinea (Ringworm).

SEARCHLIGHT understands that as a result the authorities were called in on Monday to deal with the matter in which they (the authorities) declared the school unfit.

Speaking at a media briefing Tuesday, Minister of Health Douglas Slater called on food establishments to dispose of their waste properly, which would help to eliminate and control the rodent population, as there are some businesses which do not manage their waste properly.

He urged everyone to assist in the baiting programme although that alone would not stop the problem.

According to him the programme has been successful in some areas and if all of us do what we should do we will see an improvement.

Minister of National Mobilization Mike Browne during a press conference on Wednesday, said that the invasion of these rodents could be due to the location of the school between both rivers where persons usually dispose of their garbage.

The school is expected to be opened on Monday.