June 15, 2007

Strong rum coming back in two weeks

The burning sensation of strong rum will be back in two week’s time so strong rum connoisseurs can relax after the close to five months of scarcity that they have endured.{{more}}

Exports Manager of St Vincent and the Grenadines’ Distillery Phillippa Greaves said that the company has had to search high and low to secure a vessel to bring molasses from Guysuco out of Guyana after the regular vessel Victory J broke down in January.

Greaves told SEARCHLIGHT that her company was trying to find another vessel but had a difficult time. She explained that while countries like Barbados and Trinidad could use large 5000 metric ton tankers, such vessels could not dock at the Grenadines wharf where the company’s molasses is usually off loaded.

“We have however found one and it left Trinidad already,” Greaves told SEARCHLIGHT last Tuesday, June 12th.

The vessel Mt Contess, was expected to arrive in St Vincent yesterday. Greaves explained that the distillation process to produce the 84.5% alcohol rum will take approximately two weeks after which the product would be available.

Greaves explained that while strong rum was scarce there was no problem with the aged rums that her company produces.

“We have the SLR and the Captain Bligh rum, there is no shortage there,” she said.

Greaves said that over the last few months the company has been receiving many calls from retailers who have been inquiring about the shortage and when the problem will be rectified.

She said that they are now pleased to have a positive word for their customers. (KJ)