Prime Minister seeing life differently since accident
May 25, 2007

Prime Minister seeing life differently since accident

Describing himself as a person who “no longer holds malice,” Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves believes that his recent accident has humbled him.

Walking on crutches despite the advice of his doctors to stay off his foot on which he recently had surgery, Dr Gonsalves made this confession to the gathering at the National Spiritual Baptist Day Celebration at the Victoria Park last Sunday.{{more}}

The Prime Minister believes that he “glimpsed the gates of death” in his recent accident but said that his work on earth was not yet finished, but if the Lord was ready for him he was ready to meet him.

He said that because of his accident, things which used to “rile and irate” him no longer do and he now takes “everything in stride” leaving everything to God.

This Country’s leader said, “My mind is free from several cumbrances, I hold absolutely no malice against anyone, I have love for all. Those who want to malice me it’s their business, those who want to hate me is their business. No one is great enough to make me malice or hate them. I would be destroying the good in me.”

Dr Gonsalves said everyday he lay in his bed at the VIP house provided in Cuba, he prayed to the Almighty with Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication or what was coined “ACTS.”

He said that he had lost some 20 lbs, had a scar on his lip, and his teeth which were repaired by man, would not be as strong as God had created them, but he was no longer worried about trifling things.

The Prime Minister praised people who fought to see the Spiritual Baptist believers worship freely and noting that his government ensured that the Faith got the respect that it deserved and that Chancellor Parnel Campbell did more for Spiritual Baptists in the parliament than anyone in his time. (SG)