Stewart: My role in entire project was minor
May 4, 2007

Stewart: My role in entire project was minor

THE MAN who caused the virtual shut down of the Ashton, Union Island Marina Project claimed that his role in the entire Ottley Hall Marina project was a minor one.{{more}}

Technical Engineering Supervisor Glenford Stewart’s refusal to sign the stage five certificate of completion for the Ashton Marina Project brought the project to a halt, after Stewart expressed his dissatisfaction with the progress of the project.

Stewart, who was documented to have had a few verbal spats with Valdatarro’s head Aldo Rolla, documented his frustration with the Ottley Hall Project in a series of letters to the chairman of CCYY, Bertram Commissiong, that seemed to have fallen on deaf ears.

As part of his job description with the Ottley Hall Project, Stewart was required to sign certificates of completion, but testified at Wednesday’s hearing that he was not given the opportunity to sign any of the ten certificates; they were all signed by Commissiong.

Stewart indicated that he lamented a number of basic construction engineering guidelines were not being followed, including the use of salt water for the mixing of concrete and the over saturation of the concrete. He also questioned the quality of water supply lines, and the sewerage system.

Although Stewart said he had lost confidence in the contractors, Valdatarro, and has never heard of the company being involved in any other project, he found it hard to believe that they were not a reputable construction company.

A move by Stewart, and former National Commercial Bank (NCB) Chairman Richard Joachim, had caused the enquiry to be delayed for over two years while an appeal filed by them made its way through the courts all the way to the privy council.