March 2, 2007
World Day of Prayer today


Today, Friday, March 2, 2007 is World Day of Prayer. This is a worldwide ecumenical movement of women and men of many faith traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer on the first Friday in March each year. “United under God’s Tent” is the theme used by women of Paraguay for the prayer service. Throughout the day, women and men affirm that prayer and action are inseparable and that both have immeasurable influence.

The services will be held in the following places and times in different communities today.{{more}}

North Leeward – Troumaca Methodist – 7:00 pm Central Leeward – Layou Anglican – 6:00 pm Kingstown – Kingstown Baptist Church – Garden Gate – 5:00 pm Marriaqua – Gospel Hall Stubbs, Georgetown, Calliaqua.

Vincentians are being invited to join the women of Paraguay in prayer and song to support women’s ecumenical ministries toward justice, peace, healing and wholeness.