Teacher shot, woman raped
February 9, 2007

Teacher shot, woman raped

President of the Teacher’s Union Otto Sam has described the shooting of 38-year old Park Hill Government School teacher, Colin Haywood as “senseless and brutal.”

Speaking with Searchlight Newspaper, Sam said that he hoped that the culprits would be “apprehended and brought to justice” and expressed sympathy to the victims and their relatives.{{more}}

According to a reliable sources, Haywood, a resident of the North Union returned home at around 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday February 6 to discover that his home had been broken into, and several pairs of shoes, a camera, numerous items of clothes and $100 were missing.

Searchlight understands that Haywood reported the matter to the Biabou police who then came on the scene to investigate.

After the police had left, at about 12:30 a. m., Haywood and a female friend were reportedly awakened by noises in his yard. Haywood opened the front door to investigate and was shot twice, once in the chest and the other in the neck.

The injured Haywood fled to a nearby house but then collapsed.

While this was happening, his terrified companion was speaking on the phone with a friend describing what was happening. It was reported that the friend on the phone told her to jump out the window or hide. She could not jump so sought refuge under the bed.

Two masked assailants entered the bedroom where the woman was hiding in her underwear. She was reportedly dragged from under the bed and outside into a banana field where she was allegedly sexually assaulted by one of the attackers. Reports indicate that she was then let go, whereupon she ran to a neighbouring house. The police were then alerted.

At press time, Haywood and his companion were patients at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital. The police are investigating the matter.