GHS Young Leaders host ‘Drug Free’ rally
February 9, 2007

GHS Young Leaders host ‘Drug Free’ rally

While most students were in the classrooms doing their schoolwork, the students of the Girls’ High School were busy getting their groove on with some of this country’s top entertainers at their ‘Drug Free’ rally on Friday February 2.

The rally, hosted by the GHS Young leaders consisted of four of this country’s top entertainers including Road March King Skarpyon, Bomani and Digicel Rising Star Kyron Baptiste.{{more}}

For the students it was like carnival in February, as most of them seemed to go wild as they danced to the music of their favorite artistes. At the arrival of Digicel’s Rising Star it was like the arrival of a celebrity as the students forgot all about the performers on the stage and began cheering for Kyron.

Addressing the gathering, guest speaker at the rally, Deborah Dalrymple highlighted to the students the danger of using drugs.

According to Dalrymple, drug use often leads to drug abuse which can have a scourge on the society and a negative impact on both individuals and families.

Guest Speaker at the Girls’ High School Young Leaders ‘ Drug Free’ rally Deborah Dalrymple.

“In our society we seem to become too matter of fact and accepting of the drug culture that has sprung up,” Dalrymple told the students. “Alcohol is sold freely to adults and minors alike, we can’t seem to make up our minds about how we really feel about marijuana, we debate about whether or not it is really a drug,” she added.

Dalrymple also pointed out the fact that the number of persons at Her Majesty’s Prisons on drug related cases is on the increase and also the number of young individuals at the Mental Asylum who are suffering from mental illness due to the use of drug addiction.

“Beginning to use drugs increasingly opens up a number of pitfalls in your path to a healthy and productive lifestyle; you lose your sense of self, you are no longer sure of what you believe,” she told the students.

The rally also heard a speech from Pastor George Fredrick who enlightened the students about the long-term effect that drug use can have on their lives and as a result they should remain ‘Drug Free’.

The rally was the first to be hosted by the school’s young leaders and saw a wide range of performances on the topic of drugs including, drama, singing and poetry.