ECGC launches 2007 School Home Economics Competition
February 2, 2007

ECGC launches 2007 School Home Economics Competition


The East Caribbean Group of Companies in collaboration with the SVG Home Economics Association and the Ministry of Education has launched its 2007 Home Economics Schools Competition. An invitation is extended to Home Economics students across the country to participate.

The in-house part of the competition to select representatives from each school for the national finals will take place during the month of February, while the finals will take place on Thursday, March 22nd, 2007 at the Peace Memorial Hall.{{more}}

The competition is designed to:

1) Utilize the cuisine creativity of students

2) Create greater linkages between industry and education

3) Promote the discipline of home economics and

4) Highlight possible career paths in Home Economics

Students will be required to use local products including rice, flour and pulses manufactured and packaged by ECGC.

Based on the recent launching of the Company’s new line of Specialty Flour a new category reflecting same will be included, hence students will be required to create a recipe using, Rye, Herb & Garlic and Multigrain Flour.

This year marks the eleventh (11th) that East Caribbean Group of Companies is sponsoring the competition, which further demonstrates the company’s commitment to education in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.