SVG Green Party calls for fresh elections
Leader of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Green Party Ivan O’Neal is calling on Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves and his government to apologise to the nation, for deliberately deceiving and misleading Vincentians, in the 2007 budget address.
O’Neal in a press release as well as letters to the Prime Minister and Governor-General, also called on the government to resign and call fresh elections for what he calls a cover-up of the actual national debt, by presenting incorrect figures to the public.{{more}}
According to the budget address which took place on December 11th 2006, the increase in this country’s national debt was estimated at EC$99.9 million. But The Green Party thinks this
figure was understated by about $10 million. The party also believes the real minimum public debt to GDP ratio is 85.3 % and not 84.5%.
O’Neal claims he expects the government to step down and is making plans for fresh elections, by having a series of membership drives across the country.
The first took place Friday at the Singer building in Kingstown, with more to be held in upcoming weeks.
The Green Party is also initiating the setting up of an open college, where persons can continue their studies using educational television and radio programs.