Sir Vincent heads group restructuring SVG Police Force
December 15, 2006

Sir Vincent heads group restructuring SVG Police Force

The Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force is being revamped thanks to a working group headed by Sir Vincent Beache.

So far, several consultations have been held with stakeholders to discuss matters on the restructuring.{{more}}

The Immigration Department has now taken on a new face where on November 1, 2006 former Superintendent Randolph Rogers was appointed as Chief Immigration Officer and Zonelle Williams taking up the mantle as Assistant Chief Immigration Officer.

Meanwhile, extensive work is being done on the general constabulary. Extra focus is also being given to the other duties which can be performed by civilians, in keeping with the Durrant report.

Work on a number of legislative reforms including the Police Act, the Traffic Act and a new Immigration Act is well underway.

As the next year kicks in, a schedule of programs has already been drawn up. The Human Resource area will get special attention, with the development and implementation of Performance Management and Development System (PMDS) and the development of a succession plan to identify and train high fliers in the constabulary for leadership position.