Lucky winner number two
December 1, 2006

Lucky winner number two

Sonia Ince of Sharpesdale is the second recipient of $1000 in the “Digicel is the Key to your $150,000 Fortune” competition.

On Thursday November 23rd, 2006 Ince arrived at Digicel’s corporate office excited and overwhelmed. She explained that when she first heard about the promotion she went to the shop where she usually buys her top up card and she said to the shopkeeper “if you get the C please keep it for me.” Ince explained that her sights were never on winning the $1000, but the $150,000. {{more}}

When asked what she would do with the $150,000 if she wins, she replied “I will invest some, I will complete my parent’s home and I will pursue my law degree”.

Someone will walk away with $150,000 at the conclusion of Digicel’s “Key to Your Fortune” promotion this Christmas season.

Every customer who tops up their account or fully pays their bill on time will have a chance to win.

There are weekly prizes of $500 and those who spell the word “DIGICEL” from letters collected on top up vouchers or cards will receive $1000 and be automatically entered into the final draw for the $150,000.