Showcasing the talents of young Vincentians
November 24, 2006

Showcasing the talents of young Vincentians

by Shunice Butcher Nov.24.06

The National Science Fair seems to bring out a number of talents in young Vincentians as was seen in the case with 18-year-old Jonathan Dennie, 19-year-old Adrian Boyea and 20-year-old Ike Williams.

The three students took great advantage of the National Science Fair as they demonstrated their automotive electrical talent with the portrayal of “The Vehicle Lighting system”.{{more}}

According to the young men, the project illustrated the different types of circuits in a vehicle, how a simple fuse can protect a circuit and how electricity can create a magnetic field to control different circuits.

“I felt disappointed that our project did not place in the one of the top three positions because we were starting to build our confidence, based on all the positive compliments that we were receiving from visitors and even the judges”, a disappointed Adrian told Searchlight.

However, that will not stop these guys. They have aspirations of becoming electricians and that they intend to pursue.

When asked when he first realized that he was blessed with this talent an exuberant Adrian told SEARCHLIGHT that while at home he wanted to experiment on fixing electrical devices and saw that he had that talent. He also studied electricity at school and was awarded as the best performer in the Technical Division at the St Vincent and the Grenadines Technical College.

“I see myself as becoming the best automotive technician by learning as much as possible about electricity. My hope for the near future is to gather experience in the working field and then going off to study at a university to obtain a better qualification”, he said.

The National Science Fair climaxed on Friday, 10th November, 2006 at the Methodist Church Hall, Kingstown.