November 24, 2006

Securing Your Business for Christmas

by Elford John Nov.24.06

As we move into the festive season, we need to pay more attention to the security of our business/companies from both internal and external theft. Bear in mind the criminals are keeping an eye on your business as well, looking for weak links in your security.

With these tips you and your staff can assist and or deter any attempt on your business:

• Employ a Security Consulting Firm to assist you with a Security plan for your business.{{more}}

• Employ a Professional Security firm, conduct or request a background check on officers assigned to your business.

• Realize that if you have business products, inventory, equipment or money, you have what someone else wants, protect your assets.

• Make bank deposits often and during business hours. Do not establish a regular pattern. Take different routes at different times during the day.

• Mark all equipment, including computers and cash registers, with an identification number. Keep a record of all identification numbers off the premises with other important records.

• Keep detailed, up-to-date records. Store back-up copies off the premises. If you are ever victimized, you can access losses more easily and provide useful information for law enforcement investigations.

• Use an employee identification system, if practical. If you have many employees this gives you additional control. Install an enunciator on entrances to alert you that someone has entered your store or office.

• Do not work late alone. Create a buddy system for walking to parking lots or public transportation or ask security to escort you.

• Make sure all outside entrances and inside security doors have deadbolt locks. If you use padlocks, they should be made of steel and kept locked at all times. Remember to remove serial numbers from your locks to prevent unauthorized keys from being made.

• Windows should have secure locks and burglar-resistant Bars or Glass. Remove all expensive items from your window displays at night and make sure you can see easily into your business after closing. Move valuable merchandise away from the door and windows to prevent “smash and grab” thefts.

• Light the inside and outside of your business, especially around doors, windows, skylights or other entry points. Check the parking lot for good lighting and unobstructed views. Install locking gates and eliminate possible hiding places such as trees, shrubbery, stairwells and alleys.

• Do not tag your keys with the name of your business. Change locks if the keys are lost or not returned by a former employee.

• Organize a business watch, patterned after the Neighbourhood Watch concept. Get to know the people who operate the businesses in your area. Watch for suspicious activity and report it to the police immediately. Advertise that you are a member.

• Have eyes and ears when you’re not there. Depending on your business, something as simple as a closed-circuit television system may serve both as a deterrent and as a way of recording information.

• Think before talking about the details of your job or working on sensitive projects in public places such as restaurants, airplanes, classrooms and gyms.

• Think about what is on a piece of paper before you toss it into the trash. If it is sensitive information, tear it up or use a shredder.

Challenge any strangers who enter your work area. Ask for identification. Call a supervisor or security for help.

• If a thief confronts you or your employees, cooperate. Merchandise and cash can always be replaced, but people can’t.


Bridgetown, BB11000

Barbados West Indies

Tel: 1-246-256-5778 (Caribbean)