WINFA conference slated for St. Lucia
October 6, 2006

WINFA conference slated for St. Lucia

The 5th Biennial General Assembly of the Association of Caribbean Farmers (WINFA) will be held in St Lucia October 10-12.

It will be held under the theme “Farmers organised, agriculture revitalized, Caribbean energized” .{{more}}

It will be officially opened next Tuesday night and the first working day Wednesday will be a one-day seminar “Organisation – Key to unlocking global challenges”. The second and final day is dedicated to the business session of the assembly.

WINFA is a sub-regional organisation formed in 1982 to secure existing and sourcing new and more sustainable market possibilities for Windward islands bananas and other agricultural produce; to develop the quality and standard of the product to meet requirement and to strengthen credit, marketing, business training and other services needed to facilitate growth of the agricultural sector.