Francis is higest ranked female cop
September 8, 2006

Francis is higest ranked female cop

When Stenelia Francis began her service with the Royal St Vincent Police Force 27 years ago she cried for days. …. Now she is the highest ranked female police officer in the force and she couldn’t be more fulfilled.

In a historic ceremony held at the old Montrose police station, Thursday August 31, Francis received her appointment to the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police. Francis credited the initiation she received from now retired Assistant Commissioner of Police Theophilus Jackson during her deployment in the traffic branch for making her tough, and ready for the job she now does with distinction.{{more}}

Assistant Superintendent Francis was one of sixty five Police and Coast Guard officers to be promoted effective July 3. Superintendent Francis has also been made the officer in charge of the Central Division of the Police Force. She told SEARCHLIGHT that she enjoys the challenges the job presents and counts it an honour to be the highest ranked female officer in the force.

Although still widely regarded as a man’s world Francis said that she has the support and respect of all her colleagues, those superior and subordinate to her.

When he addressed the ceremony Chairman of the Public and Police Service Commission Cecil Blazer Williams encouraged police officers to work hard towards promotion.

He said that while age and length of service in the force currently play a big part in promotion, this is quickly changing. Williams said that the Police force will be looking at the training police officers submit themselves to and will closely observe officers’ attitude and discipline.

He cautioned higher ranked police officers to respect those in authority above them while they respect and teach those they lead. If they cannot submit themselves to be led then they are not good leadership material.