Dr. J.P. Eustace Memorial holds graduation ceremony
July 21, 2006

Dr. J.P. Eustace Memorial holds graduation ceremony

The Dr. J. P. Eustace Memorial Secondary School held its first Graduation and Prize-Giving Ceremony under its new name The event took place on Wednesday, July 5, 2006. The impressive ceremony took place before a packed audience of parents/guardians, students and well-wishers of the school at the New Testament Church of God at Wilson Hill in Kingstown.{{more}} Some 68 students who entered the school five years earlier graduated from the institution having sat their CXC/CSEC Examinations in May/June this year. The ceremony was held under the theme: Delight thyself in the Lord and He will give thee the desires of thine heart – Psalm 37:4.

In delivering the feature address at the ceremony, the Reverend Adrian Odle urged the graduands to keep God at the centre of their lives as they go out into the world of work or further study. Religious Education and spiritual development form part of the philosophy of education espoused by the founding father of the school, the late Dr. John Parmenas Eustace. The ceremony also showcased the diversity of creative talents, which exist among the students of the school. The ceremony was followed by a graduation dinner and ball later in the evening.