Two shot at Sion Hill mini-mart
June 9, 2006

Two shot at Sion Hill mini-mart

A chill went through a Dorsetshire Hill man’s body when his heavily pregnant common-law-wife was shot in the jaw on Wednesday, June 7 by a bandit in broad daylight at Knight’s Enterprises Ltd., on the Sion Hill main road at around 1pm.

When SEARCHLIGHT caught up with the still shaken Errol Knights outside the Accident and Emergency Department of the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital, he was thankful that up to that time, the prognosis looked good for his common-law-wife, mother of two, Sudah Ashton, who is a cashier at the business where Errol is a joint owner.{{more}}

Reports reaching SEARCHLIGHT indicate that a masked man entered the popular Sion Hill business place at 12:50 p.m and demanded cash from employees Sudah Ashton and Timothy Caine but did not give them any time to meet his demands.

“I came into work a little before and went through the back,” explained Knights who said that he had just sold biscuits to a customer and watched in horror as the unfortunate events unfolded. “I heard the man ask for money and then before they could react he just shot her,” referring to Ashton who received one gunshot wound which entered one side and exited on the other side of her jaw. Caine was reportedly shot twice. “It happened so fast,” said the obviously overwhelmed Knights.

A worker who witnessed the shooting but preferred to remain anonymous, recalled the midday shooting.

“A masked man wearing a black jersey and a short pants, with a black and white mask over his face just walk in and shoot the cashier and the supervisor,” said the eyewitness stating that the well built man appeared to be about 6 feet tall.

“I was very frightened,” said the worker.

Still puzzled by the shooting, the worker stated that the gunman did not steal any money.

“That seem like a personal thing because if he did want money he would have taken the money,” the worker stressed.

“When he done shoot he just walk out the supermarket with his two hands inside of his pocket and walk straight around the road with the mask still on his face,” recounted the worker.

The worker said only a mad man would do such thing.

Ashton’s mother, Tamar Duke told SEARCHLIGHT that she always prays for her children just like her mother always did for her. The Campden Park resident told SEARCHLIGHT that her heart melted when she got the phone call from her daughter saying “Mommy come by the hospital somebody shoot me.”

At press time police were continuing their investigation into the incident but no one had been arrested in connection with the matter.