Delecia launches ‘To Swim With a Dolphin’
“To Swim With a Dolphin” is the name of a book written by Kurt Delecia (most know him as Kurt Cordice), which was launched on May 20, 2006.
The book is a love story that can be located anywhere; the writer says he didn’t want to give it any specific location, so that a reader can locate it where he or she wants. This speaks to the writing ability and style of the new author.{{more}}
The launch took place at the “Sweety Bird”, a new donut business located at the back of the Bequia Bookshop. It was chaired by Barbara Pike and blessed by Pastor St. Hillaire.
Sally Erdle, the editor of Caribbean Compass newspaper who read every chapter of the book as they were completed, said that sometimes she has to be brutal to people who ask her to look at their work, but in Kurt’s case she realized that “it was a story well worth telling”.
Congratulatory remarks came also from Richard Wallace on behalf of Field Naturalist Club and Caribbean Forest Conservation of Trinidad and Tobago.