VINSA at Cave Hill has new executive
The new executive of the Vincentian Students’ Association (VINSA) at Cave Hill, officially introduced themselves to the Vincentian student body and the rest of the campus when they hosted their annual Farewell and Awards dinner on Saturday, 15th April under the theme “Envisioning the future, Reflecting on our past.”{{more}}
The new executive stated that their overall aim is to better prepare members to make meaningful contributions to St. Vincent and the Grenadines and so it was only fitting that the topic delivered by the guest speaker, the Hon. Rochelle Forde, was “Returning UWI graduates and the role they play in the development of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.”
There were also special awards, a new feature, presented to Vincentians on campus who held positions of leadership in many areas of the University, awards for academic achievement and for persons who played an integral role in the development and promotion of Vincentian culture at Cave Hill.
The night was hailed a success by all present and the new executive hopes to continue in this vein as they prepare for their next venture, a visit to tertiary institutions in Barbados as they seek to inform persons of VINSA’s existence and life at Cave Hill.
The group has a number of fundraising and sponsorship drives planned for the summer as they seek to adequately equip themselves with the necessary material to take the Vincentian name forward at their institution.
Present and prospective students are invited to visit the group’s web community at