UNICEF donates equipment to youth
On Thursday, May 11, UNICEF handed over equipment totaling EC$22,200 to the Youth Affairs Department. The items include a flip board, a projector, a lap top computer, a desktop computer, a television, a projector screen, and stationery.
Youth Officer Carlos Williams said that it was a pleasure for the Youth Affairs Department to accept the equipment compliments UNICEF. He noted that the Youth Affairs Department was in the process of reorganization and as such, has added a Learning, Training and Capacity Building centre for the department. {{more}} He said that since 2001 the youth department has tried to get modern equipment to assist with the type of training that they do and that he was happy that UNICEF’s mini-grant programme helped with funding for their centre.
UNICEF’s representative Elaine King stated that UNICEF was proud to support the Youth Affairs Department with the equipment. She said that UNICEF believes that we must “encourage and support young people to become involved in programmes which are being developed for and with them.” She added that young people need to discuss and understand different issues around them.
The goal of the Learning, Training and Capacity Building Centre is to empower youths, youth workers and youth leaders of the state. Its objectives are to provide a well equipped training facility for the dissemination of youth-related information and skill and to provide training for 400 individuals annually in areas of leadership development, business development, youth development and civic education.