Wyllie attends meet in St. Lucia
April 21, 2006

Wyllie attends meet in St. Lucia

Tornia Wyllie, Youth Comprehensive Account (YCA) member of the Marriaqua Co-op. Credit Union Ltd. is presently in St. Lucia to participate in the 3rd Annual Co-operative Youth Conference from April 18 to 22, 2006. The theme of the conference is “Empowering Young Co-operators through Education”.

Wyllie’s participation was made

possible through the Youth Comprehensive Account (YCA) at the Marriaqua Co-op. Credit Union Ltd. The YCA is a savings plan for youths up to 16 years old. The YCA was started in 1997 and offers two annual scholarships to students attending secondary school.

Tornia returns to the state on April 23.