Green Party wants Eco Plastic factory
April 13, 2006

Green Party wants Eco Plastic factory

The St.Vincent and the Grenadines Green Party has come up with another ambitious plan for this country.

As a result, it is calling on the Unity Labour Party (ULP) regime to “change their present strategy of mass tourism as the vehicle for SVG’s economy and to exercise patience and focus on Agriculture”.{{more}}

A press release signed by Ivan On’Neal and Ordan Graham, co-founders of the SVG Green Party, states that the Toyota Motor Corporation recently reported a significant breakthrough in the production of plastics from sweet potatoes and the party is suggesting that the government construct one Eco Plastic factory in St. Vincent and the Grenadines since it has the potential to earn over 100 times more revenue per year than the Argyle Airport and the proposed Buccament and Mt. Wynne projects combined.

“The SVG Green Party is delighted with the sweet potato Eco plastic production by Toyota. According to a release from Toyota, demand for Eco plastics has a potential sales value of five trillion yen annually,” the release stated.