March 24, 2006

Malaysian scholarships for Vincentian Students

Vincentians who were previously unable to afford a university education have been given realistic hopes of pursuing their dreams under the Education Revolution. And come September 2006 students who have interest in pursuing a tertiary education will have more scholarships available to them courtesy the governments of Malaysia and Singapore. {{more}}

Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves told the nation on Monday, March 13, his administration has as a priority the sourcing of educational opportunities for students of this country and he further noted that additional training opportunities are on offer from the Petra Foundation of Malaysia, totaling 100 over five years, tenable at the University of the West Indies and at universities in Malaysia and Singapore.

The initial link will be between the Petra Foundation and the Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology. Dr. Gonsalves disclosed that other Malaysian universities will become involved over time.

During his stay in Malaysia, the Prime Minister said he visited the Limkokwing University College and held discussions on this matter with the University’s leadership.

Dr. Gonsalves said that in a letter to him dated March 7, 2006, the University’s President, Tan Sri Dato Dr. Limkokwing, extended a formal invitation to him as a “Visiting Professor” whenever he has the time to be at Limkokwing University College.

Secondly, Dr. Gonsalves said the letter stated that Dr. Limkokwing and his institution are looking forward to receiving students from St.Vincent and the Grenadines. Dr.Limkokwing has also given the assurance that he will be working with Datuk Vinod Sekhar, St.Vincent and the Grenadines Honorary Consul to Malaysia and Singapore to firm up details on the scholarships that are being proposed.

Both Dr. Gonsalves and Dr. Limkokwing have agreed to visit each other sometime in 2006 for practical follow-ups.