Youth Council Marks 40 Years
This year the National Youth Council will be celebrating their 40th Anniversary and to kick off their milestone achievement they have planned a series of activities for the year.
In a press conference at the Councilâs Headquarters at Frenches last Tuesday March 7, President of the Youth Council, Michael Johnson said that it is seen as a great achievement for the National Youth Council. He said that the NYC and the young people throughout the length and breadth of St. Vincent and the Grenadines should be happy at such an achievement. President Johnson clearly outlined that since this month is celebrated as National Heroes Month they are going to channel some of their energy into those celebrations..
Johnson said that he would like to see a pool of persons who can be recognised as National Heroes. He mentioned that they will be making a series of visits each month to different communities around the country. Johnson said this drive is being under taken in order to revive the heritage of these communities. Their first journey would be to visit the Diamonites Community Group.
Johnson further went on to say that in August, the NYC would be expecting the visit of their first president, Reverend Keith Rae who resides in the United States of America. The visit of Reverend Rae will be historic, and the Keith Rae Scholarship Fund would be launched. Johnson also urged young and creative minds to start coming up with ideas for the NYC flag, which will be raised in August on the arrival of the first President.
The president also made a call to the youth of the nation to desist from the crude acts and focus their talents on the development of the society.
The NYC was officially started on August 15, 1966.