Woman, conductor pinned beneath vehicle
November 18, 2005

Woman, conductor pinned beneath vehicle

Another accident victim who was admitted to the hospital was Sympika Grant, also of Green Hill.

She said it was like a nightmare when she realised that she was going over Casson Hill bank. Grant said the driver, Maxwell Williams wasn’t speeding but during the drive home someone asked if he had fallen asleep because of the way that he was steering the vehicle.

Grant said she was seated behind the driver and was too stunned to scream while she tumbled over the hill. {{more}}She ended up having the vehicle on her left leg.

The mother of four said that she held on tightly to her phone and when the van stopped rolling was still holding onto it. She then found herself above the conductor who was groaning beneath. She said when she tried to move she realised her leg was outside the van and was pinned under it but her concern was for him.

Grant said she repeatedly asked the conductor for his forgiveness because she was still on him and couldn’t move.

The 29-year-old said that she then saw Senator Major St. Claire Leacock sliding down the bank and directing the persons who had gathered as to how they should lift the vehicle off her leg.

Grant said a lady then pulled her out of the vehicle and a man lifted her and took her to the hospital.

She recounted, “I didn’t realise that I had such a bad gash on my hand till I could see the bone. The flesh was just hanging and my leg was in pain. I lost a lot of blood. I give God thanks for life and I am not to going to be discouraged.”

The Green Hill resident said that she will be doing an operation but needs blood. She said her mind had been occupied by her four children who would have been without parents since the driver is the father of two of her children.

Grant said that she would like to thank the person who carried her in his lap in an open back vehicle. She said he was holding her hand, which was tied up because of the gash. She also wanted to thank the person who took her from under the vehicle.