Calicia Charles is top performer
September 2, 2005

Calicia Charles is top performer

Calicia Charles, a 16-year-old student of the Girls’ High School is the person with the best performance overall in this year’s CXC Certificate in Secondary Education (CSEC) exams.

The quiet young lady visited Searchlight on Tuesday along with her classmates Candida DaSilva and Joanne Marshall. Preliminary results indicate that DaSilva is No.2 in the nation’s rankings, while Marshall is in the top 6.{{more}}

Calicia, the daughter of Chiefton and Yvonne Charles of Enhams had as results, Biology – I, Caribbean History – I, Chemistry – II, English A – I, English B – I, French – II, Geography – I, Information Technology – I, Mathematics – I, Physics – I and Spanish I.

“I was overwhelmed at first, kind of ecstatic, even though I was a little disappointed. I was hoping for all ones, but I am still happy with nine (ones),” said Calicia. She hopes to do Biology, Chemistry, Physics and another subject at A’level, when she enters the Community College next term. She has plans of becoming a neurosurgeon, as “we don’t have anyone qualified in that area working at the hospital, so I hope to come back to fill that void.”

She expressed her thanks “first of all to God, my family and friends, especially those in Five Science. Also, the Marriaqua United Friendly Society for giving me a secondary school scholarship which will continue while I do my A’levels.”

Candida DaSilva is feeling justifiably proud right now. She obtained grades: English A – I, English B – I, Mathematics – I, Physics – I, French – I, Spanish – I, Biology – I, Chemistry – I, Caribbean History – II, Geography – II and Information Technology – II. “I am very proud of myself. I expected to do well, because I knew I studied hard, in the end, I am not very surprised, just grateful to God,” the 16-year-old said.

Candida is the daughter of Shermor McMillan and Caspar DaSilva, and lives at Mesopotamia with her mother. She is hoping to take Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics at A’level, in pursuance of her dream of one day having a career in medicine or some other scientific area.

Sixteen-year-old Joanne Marshall, the lead spokesperson of the trio, and the 2004 national public speaking champion, obtained seven grade ones and three grade twos in her exams. English A – I, English B – I, Caribbean History – I, Physics – I, Mathematics – I, Spanish – I, Biology – I, Integrated Science – II, Chemistry – II, and Geography – II. The diminutive young lady is the daughter of Hadyn and Jennifer Marshall of Prospect.

She hasn’t made up her mind as to what subjects she will pursue at A’levels as she likes both arts and sciences. She however said, “I will make up my mind by Friday (the deadline).” She one day hopes to have a career in medicine or some area of “vocal expression”.

Responding to a question about who normally topped their form, 5S (Five Science or Five Stress as Joanne calls it) in school exams, they indicated that no one person dominated that position, it tended to rotate among the three of them, Jordana Laborde and Priya Darshani Ramsamooj. Joanne quickly interjected, “this is reflected in our results!”